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Our Mascots

Both our mascots Kelly Jo & Starsy are inspired by our Founder & Co- Founder from the unique camaraderie they share.
A journey of Friendship, Love and Partnership.

Starsy, derived from Swapna Amin Pawa (Founder)

We had to create a pseudo name :-)

Our official blue birdie , The Think Tank and Mastermind behind the existence of LSB.

Kelly Jo, derived from Kawaljeet Pawa (Co- Founder)

Yes and there goes another pseudo name.:-)

Our official cuddly Polar Bear , The Numbers Man and the Visionary of Enhancing the Game Plan of LSB.

Swapna Amin Pawa
Founder & Chief Delight Officer

Truly Spreading the magical Delight with a heart full of gratitude topped with all those Crazy creative ideas which feed in her curiosity to constantly design something innovative.

A Masters in Marketing Management Graduate with an Advanced Degree in Advertising and PR. Brimming with 17 plus years of experience in varied fields of Brand Marketing, New Brand development, Events and Advertising. 

An Experienced marketing professional in media with expertise in ideation and execution of concepts for Brand Building, footfall generation and Film Marketing with a  strong background in Marcom, Events, Annual Planning  and Budgeting for the brand.

A Dreamer, a lady who dared to Believe.. A multitasker mommy who wants to go the extra mile to make her daughter believe in -THE POWER OF MAGIC AND DREAMS. 

A happy wife of Kawaljeetsingh Pawa and a joyful mother of bubbly and overly conversational daughter “Addhwika”.

A person who believes happiness of Family comes first and rest all shall follow.

Feel free to drop in a message to her on

KawaljeetSingh Pawa

The Online dreamer , The Action Planner , the one responsible for strategic consulting and introducing LSB to various online and offline Retail platforms. The person who makes us believe that if we want to go Big, we should stop thinking small.

A permanent expression which u can’t miss is, A twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face .

Shake his hands with a Jai Mata Di and you can close all deals with him

A masters in Marketing Management Graduate with overly 21 years of rich experience in Category and Merchandising Management in Retail, Home Shopping and Online business . His passion about contributing to wider team performance and culture has been a game changer for LSB's healthy attitude.With his rich expertise in strategic alliances, development of Private Label Brands, Global Sourcing, Product portfolio planning , Supplier Relationship Management , Exceptional Data Crunching and Data Analysis Skills and much much more ,he is always teased to carry a sack of knowledge , a sacksize which could challenge our very own Santa Claus..Need some good vibes – catch hold of him he knows the secret formulaFeel free to drop in a message to him on

Addhwika Pawa
– Junior Elf in charge and Originator

LSB’s main originator. LSB HAS as she IS.

Molecules of Fun, Latest kiddy fashion , dollops of wittiness , warm snoozy cuddles, two jumpy feet floating up somewhere in the air, Generous double scoops of love . When all of this pair up together this is the product you will have.

Getting first hand reviews for all our baby products and giving us her experiential inputs on gifting and the various trends trending around this segment.. She is our idea pool.

Feel free to drop in ur blessings on

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